Decoding Ovulation: How to Know If (and When) You're Ovulating

Since ovulation doesn't always occur on Day 14 of your cycle, here are three ways to take the guesswork out of fertility.  

If you don't know how to tell when you're ovulating, you're not alone. Unfortunately this is one of the aspects of reproductive health that falls into the category of "things we should get taught in school, but don't". As a result, we're often left relying on the "Day 14" rule which can be misleading. Not only does it not apply to those with longer or shorter cycles (and sometimes not even to those with the "standard" 28 day cycle), but it doesn't account for the fact that ovulation can be postponed on any given month due to stress, illness, medication and other lifestyle fluctuations. 

If you're trying to conceive, struggling with a reproductive health issue like PCOS, or simply want to understand your body better (for birth control or body literacy) it's empowering to know how to read ovulation indicators. That's why we put together today's #AskTheSisters YouTube video.

In this five minute segment you'll learn:

  1. The difference between when you're ovulating and when you're fertile

  2. How long an egg is viable for fertilization (the window is a lot smaller than you may think!)

  3. What good quality cervical mucus looks like

  4. Why we don't recommend relying on ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) 

  5. Methods for early detection of ovulation versus tools that confirm ovulation has already occurred 


If you're looking to conceive and you'd like more fertility-boosting tips, check out our 3-page guide below.

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Kim & Amy Sedgwick love to discuss sex, periods, and all the other things we’re not supposed to talk about. The co-founders of Red Tent Sisters and, they’ve been featured in every major Canadian news outlet and have become a trusted resource for women seeking natural (effective!) birth control, a more joyful sex life, and an empowered journey to motherhood.

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