Can I Get Pregnant While On My Period?

We're taught so little about our bodies it's not surprising there's confusion about when a person is fertile. That's why we're clearing up some "misconceptions" and giving you the low-down on how likely it is to conceive while menstruating. 

For some, period sex is exciting because it's considered "safe" from a pregnancy perspective. But is that really the case? Yes... and no. While it's not a simple answer, after watching this video you'll know:

  1. How you can learn to identity a "true period" versus breakthrough bleeding or spotting (which can happen when you're ovulating - the time you're most fertile!)

  2. Why those with short cycles are more likely to get pregnant while menstruating

  3. How many days of a true period can be considered infertile

It wouldn't be a Red Tent Sisters video if we didn't talk about how charting your cycle can help you feel more confident managing your fertility ;) Not only can charting alleviate pregnancy fears, but there are lots of other benefits too. Period tracking apps are a great tool to help monitor PMS, libido, and other health concerns. Check out our free guide below for tips on how to get the most out of your app. 

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Kim & Amy Sedgwick love to discuss sex, periods, and all the other things we’re not supposed to talk about. The co-founders of Red Tent Sisters, they’ve been featured in every major Canadian news outlet and have become a trusted resource for people seeking natural (effective!) birth control, a more joyful sex life, and an empowered journey to motherhood.